16 years ago .. :) must be quite boring my blog with lotsa word... No time to upload pic!! Too bz... Right now pun blogging thru phone.. Will upload pic lat... shares
16 years ago WorkPlace My new workspace.. not actually new. been months working here plus my OJT.. this is my second place here in office. my 1st one is kinda at t... shares
16 years ago Offer Letter *yeay* 14.april.2009 ive received my offer letter today :D big smile on my face.. Yalah.. Ive been wanting this job all my life. Since i was spm. B... shares
16 years ago Trip to kapit... No btu (part 2) hehehe aku g travelling gik... g kapit gik.. Mok anta dokumen2 yg dplah mek org ria. Dokumen sebutharga pakey berik ngn sidak kdn (kementeri... shares
16 years ago trip to kapit & btu (part 1) yobih...kepak nyawaku oiii... Keja nonstop jak.. Hukhuk... Ari ahad awal pagi dh g aport.. Flight g kapit kol 710..eh,neyda g kapit lok, g c... shares
16 years ago MOvie Day watch this movie today with my frens! LOVE it... interesting... breathcatching (betol ka tok)... no more words can describe the feelings.... shares