Granny's Best Day~

 Happy Birthday Grandma!

Hold on a second. 

This is actually a postponed post from the new year. My Grandma birthday is on 31st December 1936. or so they said its 1936. Cause that's the year she's register but not actually born. I think. I thought I heard about that before.

Happy 79th Birthday Granny. We love you so much!!

We as in all of my cousins and families 

We were all in different cities and states so we can't really be there for our grandma get together party. So, here it is, a selfie and wefie of us grandchildren sending through the Whatsapp family group that still connect us together (thanks for that)  Wishing her a great health and happiness.



pictures of foods and granny on one of her best days! 

Till next time.


  1. Alhamdulilah.. umi nk ucapkn selamat hr jd utk nenek sis .. moga nenek sis sentiasa chat dn bahgia d samping keluarga tersyg. Amin

    1. Thanks for the doa and wishes deng. Amin. Muahs

  2. Wow 79 years old. Happy Belated Birthday for your grandma. :D

  3. Nenek nya nampak still muda dan sihat..
    Selamat hari lahir nenek.. ;)

    1. alhamdulillah sis. memang syukur sangat2 nenek masih sihat. adala sakit sikit2 tu kan. tp itulah. yg lain so far ok. mampu lagi jalan ke masjid segala. Nasib masjid dkt dgn rumah. Muda tu generasi kot. aiseh. haha gurau

  4. Happy birthday to your granny! Wowwwwww!!!! Is that her? She looks so young!!!

    1. Thanks suituapui~ yeap. thats her. Lovely isn't she? And yes, she looks really young and sometimes energetic too!

  5. Selamat pagi dear ..

    umi jejalan kat cini .. hari yang penuh kesedihan pada umi ..

  6. semoga nenek panjang umur dan sihat selalu ^_^

  7. dolok kmk selalu juak celebrate birthday nenek kmk.. umurnya pun dah lebih dari 80thn tpnya baru jak ninggal 2 years ago..

    kmk doakan moga nenek ktk pajg umur, diberi kesihatan yang baik dan dilimpahkan rezeki..amiin..

    1. yalah nak ow? kmk org setiap thun juak celebrate. org lain new year lua nak. mek org tiap taun ngan nenek. hehe lepas abis2 semua ya bok bejalan2 keluar.

      makseh untuk doa ya. semoga yang baik2 untuk ktk juak.


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