
13 years ago

Hello blog, its been a while since I update you!!
I miss you so much! Yerdeh...

This is actually a short update. I'm feeling a little down and emo now coz of all the hectic work and assignment and presentation and modelling that queue non stop.

Well, that is a student life right? Hehe
Siapa sangka aku bergelar student lagi? Pejam celik hampir setahun berlalu sebagai student.
Hampir setahun jugak dah jadi isteri orang.
Hampir setahun ni jugak blog ni bersawang.
Oh kesian... Bukan aku tak cinta blog ni lagi. Tapi... Tapi. Komitmen! Yerr.. Macam ko sorang berkomitmen. Wekk!

Oke.. I promise myself I will try to update as much as I want. When else I've got to experience my student + family life right?

Chow! Back to work!
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone


  1. efa
    kotan bz gilak. konon nya lah. sik terkabey mukak blog ..jehehehe

    mr abs..
    aie.. udah bah.... ktk sik tauk? hehe

  2. yerr. dah setahun jadi bini orang boh mena ilakk berolah. hehe.

    mek stdy kat Uni. Msia Pahang, btw :)

  3. @naxirah
    hehehe... sikda berolah oi.. bait kmk tok.. lom setahun... hampir setahun.. hehehe

    wah.... dah jaoh dah tuju.. amik apa ktk ?


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