
16 years ago
huhuhu..its been a long time since i last updated my blog, quite bz lah few diz week, last 2 week attend my sis fren's wedding day. hanging out with frens earlier dat day, karaoke, laughing out loud. then the next weekend, i spend a night at my fren's house cause her housemate balik kpg. so we.... all of my frens, there is a 5 of us + 1 including the owner + another 1 the next day = 7 people in a not so small not so big but small enough to see all of us in one time and not big enough for us to sleep. hahaha..... ngarey2 jak sidak tok tido, ada yg terlebeyh tinggi ya tido d tempat paling sik seswai denganketinggiannya, tedah, bangun esok pagi terus sakit kaki sakit belakang. hehehehe ... but we're having fun... ilek2.... do some work, playing games especially.... watch some movies, not some lah, it almost 5 movies. or more i think... heheheh
well, dat just almost all of it...
oh yes, since 1 December 2008, i started my OJT at one of architecture firm in jalan mendu. today is my 3rd day here. so far so good, at least, they give me some work to do so i could learn more. right now, im key-in the new kastam blok based in Miri... lot work to do now........... less fun.... hectic, everyday facing the jem, kaya... forgot to bring the roti.
everyday after going back from work, its very tiring.... ouh... and erm... forgot what am i tryingto type just now nvm.. forget it, i'll updated later if anything occur...
oh plus... my car ACCIDENT AGAIN!!!! this time the bumper is really terok... i think it havent been a month since it last fixed. the last time one cost rm1K +++++++++++ this time sure almost rm3k for sure.... wtf...
so boring.. cannot get out at night anymore.. no light.. huhuhuhu.... right now police is having ambush everywhere, not getting the risk to paid anymore summon than what i have now. aaaahhh.... tired... tired.. better continue doing my plan.................. ahhh.... so long mua happeeyy daayyyy..........
(^_^)v aja...aja... fighting~~!

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