i HEART u :)

15 years ago

ehem.. ehem.. hari ini saya hendakjadi budak skema sikit. asyik2 cerita pasal saya, hari ini, saya nak cinta pasal my other half.. boleh ? boleh tak boleh... nak cita jugak. coz, i feel like i want too.. ngeee..

for a starter, how do we met ?
actually, kitorang memang dah lama kenal. well, atleast... for me. i know him since we were in high school. yelah... kenal2 camtu jer kan... etc my friends is one of his too.. so connect2 la skit dari sana. tapi we never spoken to each other or so...
dia lagi lah... tak kenal tak pandang langsung saya time tu.. cewahhh.. :P

habis sekolah.. along the way.. i have my own relationship and he has his own relationship. then we met in one off my extra curricular that i seek in nighttime. at first, well.. we just say hi and stuff. but not yet close.
well, like i said, we have each other's relationship. and i dont know why, maybe some kind of chemistry. we blend in so well, that we start to see each other (not in a bad way)..
kitorang selalu lepak sama2 ramai2 dengan member, doing stuff. anytthing lah kan..
movies, karaoke, lepak, makan2... every night...

we are close friends, but still we know our boundaries....


eheh.. biarlah rahsia...

but.. the only thing i know now... is ..

i HEART him so much...

i never met someone so understanding, so patient, so so very the so lah.. to me...
romantic ? of course....

well... he have this one habit... he loves to have things or stuff or shirts or shoes or.. whatever....
same with me...

SEPASANG bak kata org kita. yer....

let me just show u one or two of those things...

hp... previously i used sony p1i.. he also used it. then my
hp got problem and i change it... o well.. he change it alsoo ... membazir kan ? hehehehe

below is our shoess.... hehehe..

ok.. seriously ?? im not good in expressing my feelings!!!!!

we always quarrel over stupid things. small tiny little things...

how can i .. make us better?


  1. Mesti loarbib kitakduak sama brand ngan sama rona hoh hehehhe...

  2. so sweettttt okkkkkkkkkkkk
    dat guy yg dtg umah kmk sekali ngan ktk ya ka?

    so sweett laaaa sepasang sepasang tok :)

  3. fnf:

    erm.. ya kmk lom cek gklah... lakla.. i let u know k.. kahkahkaha.. i wonder...

    indeed it is sweet. ehehe.. errr... aok... the very same guy yg dgn kmk dtg umah ktk rialah ... ehehe.. neyda len... sine pg kmk sukalah nya nak ekot. ekekeke


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