update on me and... MOM!!!
hai bloG!
eheh.. lamak sik nengok blog oww.. indu juaklah nak beblog..
ok.. here's a quick update.
why havent i update in such a long time ?
1stly... i think i did mention in one or two post previously that i've terminated my celcom broadband due to :
- i always come home late and rarely online..
- mention earlier.. rarely online, and i waste my money paying the bill without me actually using it. so.. what a waste kan ?
- the line that time is really..really... BAD.. i mean seriously bad. even i wanna open my google pun. takes almost half an hour. so.. it really gets on my nerves and thats encouraging me to cut it off.
and yes.. i did... so. that why i havent been online so much lately and updating eventho i have tons of things to be shared with u guys...
miss me ?
another update, last few weeks were a mess. with work? of course. lebih kurang seminggu lebih.. directly from monday till sunday. im working from day till night... for about a week or two. no weekend rest for me. coz time ya .. tengah gago dengan plan2 semua. so.. breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. semua di ofis..
nasib bait dinner and supper.. bos yang tanggong. ehehehe...
best nya parttime.. of course... more money coming in. i dont mind doing overtime work as long as it worth it.
the not so good part is, one or two of my team that was suppose to do TEAMWORK with me... is... erm... sekda kerjasama langsung!!
erghh... ok.. i know. its some part of peoples individually habit.
kerja yg patut di bagik2... mostly pegi rah aku... tp sekpa... nasib bait tokrang jumpa org macam aku... aok jakk.. huhuhuhu .. bah .. sik mok ingat pasal ya...
secondly, after busy weeks ya... i went to KL...
YEAY~!!! biarpun sekda cuti lagik. i went to kl...
why ? ? ? ?
erm.... kelaklah padah ow.. asa macam sik mok padah dolok la.... yerrr......
YES!!! sidak telekom ada kol aku ria so now officially ive got streamyx at my house!! dan duak hari baruk install streamyx i have downloaded more than 10 movies. :D :D :D
blame me .. but i dont care. i just looovveee movies!
laptop aku baruk jak d format... yalah. time pegi KL ria. so.. sik kejalah nak. so laptop di tinggalkan untuk di format.. susah woo aku nak ninggal laptop.. susah mok melepaskan lappy tersayang.. hehehe... tp dengan kuat hati ya. demi melihat nya bagus bila aku balit dari KL ria...
.... sadly ???
lappy aku bisu dah sekarang. nya sekpat berkelaka gk dah. sekpat nak interact gk dah ngn aku. oh kesian .. aku hanya mampu melihat nya beraksi tapi nya sik mampu kelaka ngn aku gk.. gne ku nak nangga movie?????
dan kerana macam ya.. aku terpaksa merajinkan dirik ku... mala transfer movie ke phone ku.... so.. aku tangga dalam phone jaklahhh!!
mala jak carging hp.... ekekeke
aku beli hp baru.. lalalalala :P
my old one dengan rasminya telah menemui ajal. terima kasih kerana berbakti dengan saya wahai Sony P1i...
ur the best.. never let me down unless u want too.. cewah ...
im going to KL again in few weeks time... why ???
sama macam reason above la.. lalalala :P
yesterday was my mothers birthday....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! ur the best!! althought we quarrel each other once in a while...
still... no body can replace u.... :D
i did send a few mmg to her phone.. just to wish her... and later that night... my father and i organize something for her.. just a simple dinner with family to celebrate and chill and hook up... :P
so after work yesterday, erm.. dlm pukul 7 lebih ... lepas maghrib, aku pegi Holiday Inn. You know ? Orchid Garden there. actually, we just want to go and dine only. rupa2nya ngam juak marek adalah buffet time.
and guess what ??? ada sushi aie!!!
oh crap.. im dying for sushi.. its just one of my favourites dishes..
mun dah namanya buffet kan? sushi.. is ALL U CAN EAT lah nak ?
ehehehe .... btw bukan sushi jak.. masakan Thailand pun ada time ya. and thank u to all the waiter and waitress that night... their hospitality is on the top.. (of coz la kan... its their job... mun sik.. kelak kenak komplen).. but still... i love it... mmg murah ati sesangat...
sik di lupakan juak dengan chef2 nya...
sorry to say.. gmbr makanan mmg sik sempat nak d amik.. ahahah.. semua kelaparan kot...
tp food iboh katalah.. dengan butter prawn, chicken macam2 cara masakan, sushi... everything... it was heaven~ naaaa....
here's a little sneak peak from yesterday :D

two long table.. one for adult.. and one for kids... approximately, yg datang semalam around 20 something ?
and this is what i have for desert... choc mosse with ... er.. apa nama kacang ya tek ??

and cakes... mint cake, cheese cake, green tea cheese cake and.. erm... lupak apa nama sigek..

tok adalah my fav corner last night.. SUSHI!!!

overaLL?? mmg full gilak ehss.. .mati kitai... g joging lok .. tp.. sekpat lok... ermm...
oklahh.. mummy.. happy birthday!! hope u have a good time yesterday~~ love u to till the end~!! u always the best thing .... and i know im the best thing ever happen in ur life... chewaahh~~ mati aku mun mummy baca.. hahahahaha
eheh.. lamak sik nengok blog oww.. indu juaklah nak beblog..
ok.. here's a quick update.
why havent i update in such a long time ?
1stly... i think i did mention in one or two post previously that i've terminated my celcom broadband due to :
- i always come home late and rarely online..
- mention earlier.. rarely online, and i waste my money paying the bill without me actually using it. so.. what a waste kan ?
- the line that time is really..really... BAD.. i mean seriously bad. even i wanna open my google pun. takes almost half an hour. so.. it really gets on my nerves and thats encouraging me to cut it off.
and yes.. i did... so. that why i havent been online so much lately and updating eventho i have tons of things to be shared with u guys...
miss me ?
another update, last few weeks were a mess. with work? of course. lebih kurang seminggu lebih.. directly from monday till sunday. im working from day till night... for about a week or two. no weekend rest for me. coz time ya .. tengah gago dengan plan2 semua. so.. breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. semua di ofis..
nasib bait dinner and supper.. bos yang tanggong. ehehehe...
best nya parttime.. of course... more money coming in. i dont mind doing overtime work as long as it worth it.
the not so good part is, one or two of my team that was suppose to do TEAMWORK with me... is... erm... sekda kerjasama langsung!!
erghh... ok.. i know. its some part of peoples individually habit.
kerja yg patut di bagik2... mostly pegi rah aku... tp sekpa... nasib bait tokrang jumpa org macam aku... aok jakk.. huhuhuhu .. bah .. sik mok ingat pasal ya...
secondly, after busy weeks ya... i went to KL...
YEAY~!!! biarpun sekda cuti lagik. i went to kl...
why ? ? ? ?
erm.... kelaklah padah ow.. asa macam sik mok padah dolok la.... yerrr......
YES!!! sidak telekom ada kol aku ria so now officially ive got streamyx at my house!! dan duak hari baruk install streamyx i have downloaded more than 10 movies. :D :D :D
blame me .. but i dont care. i just looovveee movies!
laptop aku baruk jak d format... yalah. time pegi KL ria. so.. sik kejalah nak. so laptop di tinggalkan untuk di format.. susah woo aku nak ninggal laptop.. susah mok melepaskan lappy tersayang.. hehehe... tp dengan kuat hati ya. demi melihat nya bagus bila aku balit dari KL ria...
.... sadly ???
lappy aku bisu dah sekarang. nya sekpat berkelaka gk dah. sekpat nak interact gk dah ngn aku. oh kesian .. aku hanya mampu melihat nya beraksi tapi nya sik mampu kelaka ngn aku gk.. gne ku nak nangga movie?????
dan kerana macam ya.. aku terpaksa merajinkan dirik ku... mala transfer movie ke phone ku.... so.. aku tangga dalam phone jaklahhh!!
mala jak carging hp.... ekekeke
aku beli hp baru.. lalalalala :P
my old one dengan rasminya telah menemui ajal. terima kasih kerana berbakti dengan saya wahai Sony P1i...
ur the best.. never let me down unless u want too.. cewah ...
im going to KL again in few weeks time... why ???
sama macam reason above la.. lalalala :P
yesterday was my mothers birthday....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! ur the best!! althought we quarrel each other once in a while...
still... no body can replace u.... :D

so after work yesterday, erm.. dlm pukul 7 lebih ... lepas maghrib, aku pegi Holiday Inn. You know ? Orchid Garden there. actually, we just want to go and dine only. rupa2nya ngam juak marek adalah buffet time.
and guess what ??? ada sushi aie!!!
oh crap.. im dying for sushi.. its just one of my favourites dishes..
mun dah namanya buffet kan? sushi.. is ALL U CAN EAT lah nak ?
ehehehe .... btw bukan sushi jak.. masakan Thailand pun ada time ya. and thank u to all the waiter and waitress that night... their hospitality is on the top.. (of coz la kan... its their job... mun sik.. kelak kenak komplen).. but still... i love it... mmg murah ati sesangat...
sik di lupakan juak dengan chef2 nya...
sorry to say.. gmbr makanan mmg sik sempat nak d amik.. ahahah.. semua kelaparan kot...
tp food iboh katalah.. dengan butter prawn, chicken macam2 cara masakan, sushi... everything... it was heaven~ naaaa....
here's a little sneak peak from yesterday :D

and this is what i have for desert... choc mosse with ... er.. apa nama kacang ya tek ??

and cakes... mint cake, cheese cake, green tea cheese cake and.. erm... lupak apa nama sigek..

tok adalah my fav corner last night.. SUSHI!!!

overaLL?? mmg full gilak ehss.. .mati kitai... g joging lok .. tp.. sekpat lok... ermm...
oklahh.. mummy.. happy birthday!! hope u have a good time yesterday~~ love u to till the end~!! u always the best thing .... and i know im the best thing ever happen in ur life... chewaahh~~ mati aku mun mummy baca.. hahahahaha

butter prawn
sikpat tok..kenaklah di mention makanan???
*pa polah tak g KL, aju cepat story!
Hepi beddei to your mom! semoga, dengan makan sushi tok lak.. jereki mak kitak kin betambah hoh XD
ReplyDeletegik juak beresia tujuan nya ke kl tek eh..bah ney entry pasal ya.mek nunggu tok ehh
ReplyDeletesama bday ngan kwn kmk la mak ktk hehe..
ReplyDeletemarek pun mek mkn nyaman. :)
mek suka juak sushi koh..
ReplyDeleteeehehehe.. kenak d mention pasal makanan? sbb mek makan nyaman lah ria. ehehehe.. nyaman oww.. sushii.. yummyyy~
aok. .makseh.. lak mek padah ngn mak mek ahs.. mesti nya kin salu makan sushi pasya.. ehee
neyda berahsia..gk asa patut ka sik d padah..ekekeke
aie.. menaka? wish kawan ktk happy birthday too k ??
yalah kan.. sushi really make us addicted
happy birthday aunty hehe...may ur mum wish come true...^^
ReplyDeletesayang bukan holiday inn gik nama nya, tapi grand margherita hotel sayang ku =)
ivy :
ReplyDeleteaok... eheheh.. i keep on forgetting the new name.. dah sebati bah.. haha
thanks for ur wishes~