Kematian itu pasti

15 years ago
Doc said nothing that they can do. they said that They pull the plug and let her leave peacefully. But she's still there. Still fighting.. Cant bear to imagine the blood didnt stop bleeding from the head.
Doc dah clean sisa otak yang terkeluar dari kepala. If, the bloods drains. Then she will leave.
All they can say is, "Sorry, no chances. Pray for her"

Thats as much news as i concern.

As much as i want her to survive, there's still part of me want to let her go. She's hurting. Better let her leave peacefully.

Easier said than done.. huh?


  1. kematian itu pasti dtg walau kita berleri ke puncak gunung sekalipun.. salam takziah..

  2. embun malam & mr_abs:
    yalah kan. baruk membaca. cmne ndak asa org yg menanggong nya kan...

    kal jis:
    BERLERI oh ? kelak la try.. berlari sikpat lak mek try berleri...
    takziah untuk yg lelaki hoh? yg perempuan insyaAllah masih ada chances.

    yeap.. true story :) read from the previous post

  3. bykkan berdoa! takziah... qada & qadar di tangan Allah... kita hanya berusaha, Allah yang menentukan...


  4. fadli:
    thankx!!.. alhamdulillah nya ok dah sikit nektok


    hahaha... opss.. berlerii berkejaran..


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