Love itu Cinta. Cinta itu sayang. Sayang bukan Cinta.

14 years ago
Love is not something that can be taken lightly. 
Although sometimes, these is what really lack nowadays. 

Cinta itu indah.
 But the feels wont be the same if one sided is treating the other half of them cold 
and unfairly. 


  1. cinta ya mcm2 rasa...full of colors...=p

  2. always make me in the air..tpi kmk sik terapung sebab berat glak...ehehe

  3. be with someone that love you more is better than be with someone that you love him/her more

  4. setuju dengan Jue.macam dalam skrip Nora Elena..wahahaha. dan CInta itu adalah universal maksudnya.

  5. @flo
    rasa oren ada sik flo? rasa d11 ka?

    @miss fida
    aie.. sik perlu terapong. perasaan terasa di awang awangan ya dh ckp aie hehe

    senyum lebar kwn eh

    @hani dan jue
    yeap! and I choose that as my life partner now. couldnt be more happy about it :)


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