10 years ago

Blame it on me me me

After having few weeks of non stop working and drawing, this 2 weeks apparently I have more times in my hand than I can handle. Just wish th...
10 years ago

Lifeless to the fullest

what life could bring to us Been missing this view every morning now. How time flies that I no longer able to enjoy this very view from...
10 years ago


Setelah sekian lamak aku sikda nulis dalam tok nak, aritok tek aku pandey ngenang dgn geng2 blogger lamak dalam blog tok dolok. Ada certain ...
11 years ago


So, last few weeks before Ramadhan, my husband is having a major toothache that he barely can stand anymore. At first I asked him to go to K...
11 years ago

People or Yourself?

Livin g in a world full of liars is not an easy task to get through everyday. Everyday when you have to face all this people is like having...
11 years ago

2014 first post!

Its been a long time since I wrote anything here. SO, since today I have an extra tiny miny bit time. Aku nak update satu dua perkara... N...
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