Bloggers Vs FB, sama tapi tak serupa

10 years ago
Haritok or minggu tok macam semua jak reminiscing zaman2 berblogging dolok koh. So, today aku polah keputusan nak screenshot some of yang di kelaka sidak dalam fb nun. Which in my opinion adalah penyebab most kmk org  makin sik aktif blogging dolok. Sebab dah banyak media sosial lain untuk berhubung dan ringkas anytime anywhere macam facebook dan twitter. Plus masing2 dah berfamily, beranak bini. Dolok semua single, Masok opis terus bukak blogging. SPend time sikit untuk menulis, membaca update org. That's what we called effort. An effort to keep each other updated and see whats going on in each others life.

But trust me, all those newbie and oldschool bloggers out there. Nothing... i Repeat, nothing beats writing in here. Typing with all the keyboard sound clacking here and there. Everyone will miss someone and someone will miss everyone.

Memori time berblogging sik kira lamak ka sekejap ka mun dah start bersosial berkenalan sama dirikpun ya. Pergh.. feeling yang tidak terhingga. So later here aku akan post some of the pic from fb. I'm not sure if anyone ever read this blog again. Tapi someday aku akan bukak gik. Geng2 lain akan bukak gik insyaAllah, and see this.

We miss each other. The friendship is priceless.

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