Friends that ship together. Nope. Not talking about sailing here.

8 years ago
Assalamualaikum dan Salam sejahtera. (Ecewah. Tetiba rasa skema)

Anyway, dah lama tak update dengan benda-benda kerja or benda-benda biasa kan. So, hari ni, tetiba pulak datang ilham nak update pasal my relationship with my besties. You see, semua pasti ada kawan baik, kawan rapat, teman rapat, teman sehidup semati lah kan. I have few of those. yang memang will always be there whenever I need them tak kira masa or tempat or apa. Memang sentiasa ada kalau diperlukan. Sungguhpun kalau diorang busy yang menyebabkan diorang tak dapat nak entertain my drama. Or my kekangan masa to entertain their drama. We all understand. Understand yang sungguhpun tak sentiasa bersama, tak selalu call mahupun message. We all know that whatever we do. We always in each others mind.
Tapi so far alhamdulillah, di sebabkan oleh teknologi yang serba canggih sekarang kan. Dengan whatsapp, wechat, telegram, facebook, instagram dan bermacam2 lah. Tipu lah kalau takde update segala. Tak perlu la nak 24 jam tanya ko buat apa. pi mana segala. Tengok jer social media sekarang insyaAllah korang akan TERupdate sekali dgn social life diorang.

*Ok stop. Dah merapu lebih. Takde intipati dah*

It's true when people say, makin kita berusia, kawan pun berkurang sebenarnya. and nowadays it is more to quality then quantity. Banyak mana pun kawan kalau dah time susah sekerat jer yang datang. Tak payah la nak datang menolong. Datang tanya khabar pun dah boleh tahan kan. Tapi kadang-kadang itu pun susah sekarang.

So mostly my childhood friend now is Yan and Fika. Both of them are my angel and demon in disguise. They can be good and great like the sun that shines upon us or can be mean and cranky like you never expect them to be. Friendship macam ni pun macam lebih kurang relationship korang dengan husband/wife korang tau.
Setia, understanding, tolak ansur. Still needed here.

As of this year. we've been friends for more than 23 years already. (Oh my I'm getting old)

*this remind me of my birthday month in October where I'll be in my 3 series*

Wow... how times flies kan.

Anyway, they both doesn't have a blog. So they wouldn't know that I post anything about them. I like to keep some of my life private. hhaaha ok private lah sangat kalau dah korang pun boleh baca ni kan. Cuma diorang belum berkesempatan nak tahu pasal the existence of this blog.

It is true tho, there's something about it that u can't replace. Kitorang pun pernah lost contact like years but when we found each other. it's like nothing ever stop. Gosip, catching up macam tak pernah lost contact. How I miss all those moments. Moment2 dari kecik kan. Dulu2 mana la tau semua tu nak jadi memori. Dulu tau nak main main main jer ... So.... yeah... treasure those times kids. Dulu time I main2 dulu mana ada kamera, smartphone bagai. So memori yang tersimpan dalam gambar or video mmg limited. Yang ada hanya cerita dan memori di minda jer. I hope I will never forget all those. Kalau dulu dah ada smartphone bagai ni. Memang banyak la koleksi gambar.

Memang betul pun kan ? What is more beautiful than friendship growing strong? Eventhough masing2 dah ada family. Kekangan masa segala. I will always love them no matter what.

 Every one has a friend during each stage of life. But only lucky ones have the same friends in all stages of life. 

I am lucky to have them in my life.


  1. In my young days, we used to write in friends' autograph books and one verse I can remember is:
    Make new friends
    Keep the old
    One is silver
    The other is gold.

    1. That's actually a really nice verse to hold onto. I'll keep that in mind, thank you ^_^

  2. Good one. I've a very small pool of friends lately, but it doesnt bug me since I have my wife and child... but then, I always have these bros around. Unfortunately, my childhood friends are more or less gone as interest and life path made us apart.

    1. Family, wife, kids. If I have those I might stay also. haha. yeah. I also have a very small pool friends nowadays. Only the old one remains. Not that I'm complaining. just everyday people going on with their life and somehow I still think that I stuck somewhere.


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