8 years ago


I still remember that I have voucher by Zalora that I get last year and I almost forgot that it will expired in December.
 Sikit lagi... sikittt lagi nak lupa. Kalau lupa rugilah kan? Tetiba expired. hehe

So, last Saturday pergi lah godek website Zalora and of course la pergi section sling bag. (I have a thing for sling bag. I have like lots and lots of sling bag collection). Sorry lah eh, saya ada masalah kekurangan hormon keperempuanan sikit. hahaha. Ngam pulak  time godek website tu adalah tengah malam hari Jumaat (11 November 2016), so apparently time tu jugak diorang tgh buat sale 11.11 SALES!

There's this bag cost RM205 if I'm not mistaken. Then diorang discount until RM 163.90. Tapi malam SALES 11.11 tu diorang buat offer sampai RM112.80. Nampak tak jauh dia turun? hehehe
and since I have voucher for RM100. So, to cut things short. I place on order for it. ahahahahaha Sabtu order. Hari Isnin time keja  pegi lah check ddelivery kan.. (nampak sangat tak sabar)

Actually I don't really expect the parcel to arrive at least a week after I place an order. Dahlah order time weekend kan. So fikir mungkin diorang belum proses ke apa ke. Tapi hari Isnin check dah sampai Delivery Branch. Macam tak caya. hahaha and yes. On the same day jugak petang sikit sampailah barang.

I am a happy woman I tell you.

I am buying the bag for only RM12.80.

And now that I check back. The cost increase again to RM164 even with discount.


 Thank You for the 11.11 Sales~~

p/s Ala2 reward utk diri sendiri la tu (konon) hahahaha


  1. Hihi sekali sekala sis ..Bg reward utk diri sendiri .. Seronok tau😍😍.

    Waaaa untungnya sis .. Bestnya dapat voucher 100 .. Blink2 mata kmk diat... dpt kmk rasa keseronokan ktk membeli brng dgn voucher ya 😍😍😍😍😍

    1. haha kan. nang bes mun dpt reward dr sendiri. pilihan sendiri .. mun org berik lagik nbes haha.. nang besss.. thank u nasib kmk ingt voucher ya nak expired on dec. mun sik kah. lalu miss lah peluang


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