Cerita ceritu hari dulu-dulu

16 years ago
ritok dah ari sabtu dah ..senin lak merdeka!(dh merdeka ka kita? Minda masyarakat belom asanya) kira lamak lah juak sekda post pjg tok, sik tauk lok apa nak di post tok sebenarnya plus gago ngn keja jak lamak2 tok.. erm..
oh, cita hal wallet ngn henfon ria jak owh... ngee...

ok.. 1st of all, wallet ya datang dr my xoxo, sikdalah mahal ne wallet ya sbnrnya, murah jer, tp i like the design, unik and sekda gk yg design seumpamanya.. cewah, kiut pun ada, sekali imbas mcm classy pun ada (in person lah, mun tga lam gambar cam nothing) hehehe... plus nya kain baldu. bezz~ heheh.. thanx again dear... :D
i really like that wallet since the 1st time i saw it (fyi, i didnt get it instantly)... that time, xoxo and me jalan2 rah kuching fest ya for the 1st time, just, jalan2 jaklah, nothing much juak nk d tga sia, nga henpon csl, food stall everywhere, balloons, broadband booth, etc... then we go to this stall (cute stall) thats the name, byk brg2 yg bez... patong watsoeva, then my eyes caught on this wallet. heh.. mcm bez... siyus... mmg i cant get my mind of that wallet. but..erm.. nvm...
2nd time pegi kch fest cause i wanna met my old friends there, lamak dah sik nemu, then we made a plan to met each other there since she's going there with her other friends.
the third time xoxo and me go there, he was seeing some friends and buying foods from pandan delight while i cuci mata here and there....
then bila balik, we all lepak kat rumah jap, he's playing with the kids, my mum asked him to buy sotong bla bla bla... then bila dia nak balik, he just give me that wallet and smile ... "just a lil gift" he said

*nice* hati bunga2 hehe

ok, 2ndly, past few days, im going out to, nowhere specific, just wanna hang and chill out, then terserempak lah with my old friend dri uni dulu. Chit chat chit chat... We all g lepak kat mcd airport (coz diaorg pun nk blk gak ke negara msg2)..
they consist of nigerian, indonesian, and china. Lama tak jumpa kan, chit chat chit chat smpi tak ingt dunia. Then they have to go cause 'perempuan cantik' dlm speaker dh memanggil2. Bila nk jalan g departure hall tu we all still talking nonstop.

Nigerian : ko ptt dtg pegi nigeria, kelak aku mbak ko kelabing
(u should come to nigeria, i'll take u for a walk)

me : oh..boleh juaklah, aku suka jk.lamak juak dh aku sik kelabing tok. Bez x cnun?
(oh..sure, i love to visit u there sometimes. Is it nice?)

nigerian: paloi ko nk? Ingt tmpt ko sarawak tok jak kacak ka?
(of course! Its nothing like sarawak but it has its own identity)

me:oklah, lak ku pegi mun da masa.ku bz bha
(ok, i'll go when i have the time and money)

China : ko xm0k g agak aku lah d china? Kempang ati
(c0me visit me too)

me : aok aok..lak ku ngagak semua negara kedong ku kaya gilak
(ok, why not but like i said, if the time is right and money in pocket)

*jalan pey depan departure hall*

Me :sekda ole2 k aku ka?
(any goodbye gift?)

nigerian : bodo..mek org nk blt kau lah ptt berik.
(oh, i didnt buy anythg for u, didnt know will run into u today)

china & indonesian : aku pun (me too)

me :oh sekpalah.....*smbl mlah muka sedih*
(nevermind, haha im just joking)

Surprisingly, the china guy open his backpack and put the phone on my hand.

me : aieh..apa tok?
(aie...whats this?)

china : bodo, sik kalak nga henpon ka?
(stupid, that's handphone, never seen one?)

me : aieh apahal tok?
(whats this for?)

china: ko muka sik malu mtk hadiah tek nak.. (its a gift for u, nothing else from me, if i know gonna run into u today, i will buy something better)

me: tp tk kau pun bha
(but its yours...)

china : yah...dh org merik sikmaok...jd hakmilik kau ya. Mok mok sik sik??
(now its yours. Its not working in china also. I taught of just bringing it back and display, but.. I give it to u instead, hope u like it )

Me : aieh aieh maok! Ugi sikmok dow! Makseh ngek!
(aie..u sure? I guess... Thanks)

china : aieh..byk soal, amik ku blt lak...
(yes im sure.. Ur welcome)

*and they all flying*

the end

P/s jgnlah dicayak translation ya.. Terpulang ngn individu, part melayu sarawak ka part romputeh nk dcayak.. Hehe

adios...sampai berjumpa lagi

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