Weekend xtvt'S

16 years ago
last weekend update, on Saturday, im having lunch with my parents and siblings at Pandan Delight BDC. never been there, it was my 1st time and from my opinion, the food wasnt bad at all. masakan thailand bah kan.. the butterprawn that they serve were slightly different from the one that i used to eat at Top Spot or Buntal but its nice and definitely delicious.. different way of cooking and different taste too.. what else did i eat there?
erm.. im not sure myself what is the name of the food, coz when i arrived at the restaurant, the food already been served and my family already start eating, nang sikpat ngu agiklah sidak tok.. eheh p sekpalah, ada reason sbnrnya aku aher..

fyi.. im coming a little bit late as i have to issue something to the contractor 1st. all i know is i eat some pineapple rice, sweet and sour fish (yg seriously nampak macam ikan masin, like told by my brother).. i dunno what kind of fish, but my parents said that is a white fish... and i was just like .. wat? nevermind... just eat it.

then, my mother told me it was my brother's birthday that day. my older brother.. opss.. how could i forget? no wonder my parents invited us all to have lunch at the fancy restaurant.. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO! where's my present? ^_^) its just a little present from my parent to my brother (and to us cause we all eat....hehe) and having family time since we rarely see each other, even for eating bfast, lunch dinner etc or hanging out.. thanks mom.. thanks dad...

later that evening after having lunch, i went to my friends ice cream shop, rah perumahan sia ehs.. rah dewan ya.. to pay her the canopy that we used on Friday night. oh yes, i forgot to mention here that on friday night, we were having 'kenduri arwah' for my late grandpa... i miss him.. thanks to all my friends that come that day and help out. and also eat all u can .. heheheh

bebalit ngn cta ari sabtu ya tek, after having lunch and pay the canopy, me and xoxo straightly go to serpan, but this week, we didnt sleep there. malas sbnrnya asa nak sleep over minggu tok, even this is the las weekend coz the next weekend we all will start fasting right? so, sekdalah training silat lah for sidaknya.. why do we still go there even when we will not spending the night there? such a waste of time huh ?
not really.. the reason why we wanna go there actually is there is this one event at kpg serpan called ' Jom berambeh'.. and actually i want to see and captured the picture of our apprentice (^_^) the little kids age 7 till adult around 30+ tp cuma dak kecik2 dak kiut miut jaklah yg molah persembahan silat for the opening ceremony untuk menyambut ketibaan YB Karim. campo2 dah bahasa ku tok ehs.. sorry ow mun ktk org angol... hehehe tp yg sedeyh nya tek, dengan semangat berkobar nak pergi serpan and merik semangat ngn sidak ya.. i arrived there not in time.. duh... late around 10mins.. they already performed and i was like >.< (no words to describe) frust adalah juak..

seriously i really wanna see their hardwork, sebab before tok sidak hanya praktis dlm dewan jak and sik pernah bermain d depan org rami. it was their 1st time and im not there to witness and support them.... T_T nevermind. maybe next time.. but i was touch actually, by a few of them.. like :

child 1 : kak, kenak ktk aher gilak dtg? kmk org dah abis main tek

child2 : kak.. aie.. adanya duhal, ktk ada tga mek main sik tek ? kacak sik ? boleh sik ?

child3 : kak, pahal ktk duak abg dtg aher? eh ktk ada kmk org main sik tek ? kenak ktk sik main juak tek kak ? abg tut ngn abg tet main juak tek ..

child4 : kak! lmk sik tga ktk.. phl ktk lmk sik dtg ngaja gk ?

child5 : kak... lanja lok~

well, maybe that child5 ya ngegeh ikit.. hehe e but somehow, i miss them all actually. lak dah stat posa lak neyda mek org tening gk.. neyda g serpan gk.. unless mun saja2 jak.. tp lambatlah.. macam2lah event d plah org d cya ria. ada pertandingan masak. ada ngubah kraftangan, kreatif2 alu jak .. sikda gmbr ehs.. lupak mbak kemre time jalan2 ya tek..

dahya petang ikit, mek org nk g pantey, tp sik tauk sine pantey, adalah tersesat kejap, just look at the pic ok ?

sungguh kecik jalan nak ke pantey ya koh.. 1st time juak ke ctok

sebuah kereta jak dpt masok, megin jak mun da keta dr arah bertentangan. sine nak tuju mek org ? tejun parit ka tejun laut ? kerek ya parit kanan ya laut.. pileh2..

smpy juak rh ujong dunia tok tek, tp aeknya kering

jaoh wo aek nya kering, nak jalan pun ari dah aher gilak dah. ank cikgu mek org padah, salah timing mek org nk g pantey ya

tp sekpalah, mek org nga org amik ambal jak.. lamak sik makan ambal ehs...

time2 tok dak makcik2 bok kak balit dari ngambik ambal, da cina ngu atas ya meli ambal2 d amik sidak tek ...

tok bok nama kais pagi makan pagi.. kais petang makan petang.. bak kata makcik ya, mun nya sik turun ncarik ambal, sekda duit masok k beli makanan k anak2nya.. k skolah gk..

*terpk, betapa bertuah nya aku ow... sik mewah.. tp senanglah sikit... gk apat men tenet*

antara memberku yg pergi sama ria ... tok posing boyband namanya :D

keberolahan sidak tok sikpat nak d padah gk dah .. boys will always be boys >.<

kelaklah nyambong gik ow.. dlm next entri with more pictures.. bos dah nunggah dah ya.. daa.. taraa... titi... tutuuuu~~~~


  1. Yalah...boys will always be boys. Bak kata pepatah, "Sedangkan hari senja, mari kita denga boyz to men" ehek.

  2. nang bez lagu boyz 2 men.. kali juak sidak ya sbnrnya boyz 2 men nak ? mintak otogerap lok ehs


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