hectic enjoyable day

16 years ago
i am really tired.. really really tired... but hey i do have fun.. thanks to all my friends that DO come on my open house today. long lost friends, close friends, colleagues etc etc ....

i cant type much today. i do have lots of picture. but i will update later k..
i havent been online since the 1st day of my holiday.
i need my pretty sleep now... its been busy for these few days...

thanks again specially to dipa, trish, ayu, ejap, stred, along, alan, afiq, gg, chiyo, dedeng and all others...

seriously.. my eyes shutting down...

i guess its time for my lappy to shut toooOOo.... daaa people...

mish you guyss and girlss soooOOo much...

selamat hari raya.. do come to my house if you guys got the time k :D :D

call me 012-8965669

daa.. salam..

i will reset those number once i get to online again later...

nyte ... all.. sewit... derims....

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