BreaKfaSt, DiNNer, LuNcH... whiChever ComE FiRsT

this is what i ate for bfast, lunch n maybe also for dinner today, mi halus sama aek kosong! oklah..better den nuthing. hasil ikhsan my auntie yesterday. yalah, my other auntie from KL jz arrived yesterday around 10pm. so we're having a small gathering.. chit chat, gossiping for the uncle&auntie (hehe..)
with only a small bowl, i still cant eat it all. y? hmmm..... maybe im tired with the situation of eating alone. lalalalala~ boring bha... dahlah ngadap kosi, meja jak2. benda statik nak sik pandey lalu nak berinteraksi dgn aku, huhu mun dah tiba2 cdak pndey merik salam lak san nyawa ku lak... kehkehkehe....
hehehehe ok lah ya .... ngah2 boring plah autocad tek, nenga bunyi keta d luar. tilit2 nangga aunti ku sorang gik.. uisk.... y so many auntie come these fewdays. ahaha niway, of coz la she's coming to greet her sister come from KL. unfortunately, my mak ngah, pak ngah, n children + nenek baruk jak kuar tek ... hayo2.. hayo2 jak keja. sekde keja len ka ? neh2...... malangnya untuk mak anjang. heheh tp sikpa. tek aku dengar nya mungkin follow sidak kot.....
apa2 pun.... mak anjang ada ninggal 'hadiah saguhati' for me n only muaaa..... (^_^)v
mok tauk ?
k apa tokrang nak tauk ?
hehehehehe.... sekda papa ya bha
ok lahhh....................... nah.. tok jakkk...... desert after eating mi halus+aek kosong...

bluberry n apple pie.... yummmy~~
p/s buang masa tokrang sik maca blog tok ???? kehkehkeh
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