
15 years ago
salam~~~ hehehhe... lamak nya dah sik bblog tok ow.. erm.. mstlah dah asa rindu juak ngn tokrang, tp life after raya tk ng da bz kitlah. biasalah, kak cuti pjg raya ria. alulah masok opis keja melambak2 jak ngu. drawing ya mok submit, drawing tok giklah. bla bla bla.. p benda ya byasalah. sik cuti pun sama juak, apatah lagik kak cuti nak ow.... tol sik pat put? ehhehehe

anyway, mok congrats ngn abang and akak odio coz their going to have babiesss~!!! (eh...eh.. babies? cam rami jak munyi nya ow) hehehehe mun da rejeki sik salah nak bg odio ow... mun dh rami ilak ya. blehlah mek minjam sorang duak.. :D :D
mun ktk pat soh nya due bulan 10 bertarikh ritok tek nakka besz .. pat sama ngn kmk.. ahahahaha berangan..

ehehe.. btw.. today is my birthday...
the 1st wishes always comes from my best buddy, yan. we've been friends for almost 17 years and counting. and yet she never fail to wish me ... i love u babe~ so much!

the second one to wish me is my xoxo... thanks dear... ur always be the 2nd as long as yan's around.. :D :D

i think.... my fren nsmo also wish me... but she did wiish me on my other num... which is 5669 which i turn it off for a while coz of something. tell it later. its just something that i hate.

what will happen to me today> happy thing or not?
but my opening day of my birthday's not so well.. i've been having this stomach ache since morning.. and im in PAIN. seriously..... i feel like i wanna go home now... yes.. i wish i can.. i wanna go home now.... can i boss?? really cant stand it... wuuu... sakit perut aieee...
ne nak celeb bestday tok.. jadi badday lak.. erm..
oh ya... beside happy birthday to me...
it also happy birthday to my blog..~ yay....

erm.. byk gik gmbr lom upload tok.. gmbr raya gk.. upload sikit2 ow..
marek me and xoxo gi nga wayang... nengok tsunami at hueandai.. betol ka eja ya ? ada jak eja keta hyundai lak.. hehehehhe... p touching lah cta ya.. ada lah some funny part here and there...

line tgh slow tok.. sekpat nk upload gmbr lok... tgh upload lam fb.. so next time la i'll upload here... otey.. babai~~~~


  1. wish u a happy happy birthday to you..
    may all the best wishes & good success will come to u..
    kesian sakit perut, moga cepat sembuh, makan ubat k..

  2. Wah...selamat kembali berblog. aku sik tauk faizal nak ada baby. Sib bait u madah.

  3. Happy Besday 2 U...
    Happy Besday 2 U...
    Happy Besday 2 U...

    Semoga Panjang Umur & sentiasa urah rezeki ;-))

  4. ivy :
    thanks ivy ~ ouk... sakit perut on my birthday.. and i got mc! tp sikpat g cne2... sedeyh T_T

    willie :
    thaks willie.. ouk... sik lamak gik ada odio jr. superimpose junior bakal kluar.. hehehe

    ms. tikot :
    tenQ tenQ..... mok nyanyi lagu depan2 bleh ? kehkehkeh

  5. hey, it's your birthday? happy belated birthday ok.. sorry for the late reply, didnt know about it. I was occupied as well after raya. tiba2 terbanyak lah pulak kerja.. anyway, have a great wednesday to you..:)

  6. thanks fel~ ouk.. sekpa.. its the thoughts that count right?
    well byasalah ya.. pas cuti nak.. same here :D

  7. hepi belated besday!!!... kmk org last wish ngan ktk nak?? apa pun kmk doakan ktk hepi2 selalu, di murahkan rezeki..Amin.

  8. Makseh JT aa ehek. Anyway, hepi beleted beddei aa. Moga panjang umor murah jereki XD

  9. happy belated besday...may god bless you with health, wealth and happiness...

  10. khairun antasha:
    ehek.. sik.. selamat ktk.. ada gk org last yg wish kmk... anyway.. tenQ... mudah2an rejeki mek kin murah oww

    makseh pahal ka tetiba tok? ehek..tenQ

    kelebar malam :
    thanks for all the wishes .... :D


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