
15 years ago
friday, saturday, sunday...

the work still not done.

im tired.

my brains malfunctioning.

but my body is hyper.

im tired.

but still my body is hyper-active.

maybe cause of that rose hibiscus tea ?

i drink for 2 liter already.

they say its working something like tonic.

problem is...

what is tonic?

but i cant sleep.


  1. coba tutup mata, imejin dirik sendirik melompat pagar..eheh..kakya mst terfikir, "alamak, boring na juak imejin dirik sendirik melompat pagar".. sbb dah bosan alu la ngantuk eheh..best x idea ya eheh..

  2. erm erm.... dah mek try yg ktk suruh tek. ngn ktk2 mek megin melompat juak....
    boring juaklah mek megin.. tp maseh sekpat tidow tok

  3. Wahhh...entry tok mesti lirik lagu 'Black Eyed Peas - I gotta feeling' nak hoh. Mek suka wak lagu ya aihh.. ehek XD


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