New Chapter

10 years ago
Third day started work at the new place. So far so good. I like my housemate eventhough i haven't really mingle with them so much this past days. But we do spend time on my first day of breaking fast here. They cooked for me!! aren't they nice? All of them are not local though so we may have quite a bit miscommunication somewhere here and there. But... even those who speak the same language can't really communicate well right..right.. right? ^_^
Anyway, I'm here with my new post. Different from what I'm doing last time but still in the same work area.
:ast time I am more to working drawing and of course Cad and stuff. So, I have a lot to learn and catch up actually. Hope I can do this. With all the things that happen.. I hope i can get through the fight without bleeding. hahaha

ok ignore the last couple sentences


  1. Have fun in your new place! :) Lamak sik ngabas blog tok.

  2. thank you coffee girl! yalah. kmk lamak juak sik blogging. maybe start again.


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