Sweet and bitter of new place

10 years ago
My 29th day at my new places. Sweet and bitter.

Bitter as in with all the things that happen in my life now. Trying to hold on. Trying to cope. Just hoping that I'm strong enough to go through all of it.

Sweet as in I'm meeting with new friends and foe. Mostly all the workers for office here is not local. So. I'm having difficulties adjusting my language as not all of them knows how to speak English. Darn, this is going to be hard =_=' but but... all is well. I kinda like it here. It gives me the new vibe that I've been searching for. I need to learn to live on my own without anybody I guess. That way I know how to improve and upgrade myself. (Maybe. LOL)

So far, so good. Been dragging by works until 2am 3am in the morning sometimes. No OT but I'm ok with it(for now) as I'm actually searching for something to distract me along the way. Been hearing lots and lots of many stuff here about, well, you know, office gossip but I try to twist the negativity around and take the positive into life. All place have their own pro and cons right? So, there's nothing good on being sissy and negative about it all the time. Just keep your head high, shoulders up and walk along the way.

Whatever happens, happens. Smile and be proud about it



  1. aok. mena ya. whatever happen, happens. Smile n be proud about it.. thumbs up

  2. yeap. thank you zie. trying to keep up the good face. hehe


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