Life's Update

16 years ago
nuthing much to say, waiting for morning to accompany my dear to the clinic diz early morning. actually plan to go today to any clinic but since there's a limited financial we're having rite now. so i made a propose dat we go to the poli clinic... not the bes idea since he's so suffering with his backache (or is it the bone... i guess its something like osteoporosis-not the right spelling) + very bad flu and fever. =_=' feel so bad for him...
guess he gone to bed already since he's not replying my msg...
after cancelling the plan earlier to go to the clinic, i want to watch movies with him, The House Bunny. anyone see it ? does the story good? jz wanna ask coz we didnt see it. hv a lil fight but we get thru it by having fun at Hock Lee with... games of course.. wat else? Playing time crisis II again, n i still crash him ^_^ den, go for racing car.. well here where i am lack of it coz he's the master of it.. well i have to admit dat i'm lost...
we change hp for nows i use his sony he use my nokia. change pic... n life between us is quite good n getting better ^_^
cant wait for morning...


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