
16 years ago
there's been so many telecommunication nowadays. as u all know, there is a new one call U-Mobile rite? 018... hmm.. thinking if its really worth it. i have to get off this kinda habit. collecting numbers. who knows how many phone numbers i have already ....
i have all maxis, digi and celcom all active.shud i add on with 018? hahaha i dont think so lar... there's too many dont u think ?

well, what i wanna talk about here is actually about this new current line. have u heard that we can switch from the current operator to another operator ? i don't know about other operators. all i know here is we can switch from maxis or celcom to digi. and there's even a better plan for it.
i'm trying it actually for now. before i have to make up my mind what should i use...because this so called plan to switch has different plan for it ..lets say

Super Fnf - Nothing much... jz add more more frens and family... overall 15 of them. 11 digi and 4 from other operators. but the rate is the same i guess... so nothing much...

Super Long Life -dunno too much about this plan. all i know is if we reload RM30 or RM100 is it ? im not sure, the period of the airtime is longer. like one year. and the rate? same.. so what speacial it for me ? i guess not....

Super Talk- This plan is kinda nice to see, good to hold, once broken consider sold! hahaha.. quite an interesting plan but also, quite expensive for someone who dont have big salary and stabilised job like me ^_^ it is some kind like... overall one month used.. lets say u used overall RM100 for that month, ur rate of calling change from 35sen/min to 25sen/min. 10 sen only, not much different. if they can drop down the charges to 10 sen/min ka... ok la wat.. kehkehkeh
ok more of it, beside dat, if the total for thatmonth is more than rm200, then u get call and smsing for free. as i said, its a great plan, who doesnt want call n msg for free rite? we all do .. but will u sacrifise rm200 every months? jz everymonth man before u can use dat free thingy... if my salary is more than rm3k then i allow myself to used dat plan .... hahahaha

well.. dat lead us to the only plan left that is :

Super Sms - i guess this is the only plan that left for me and quite suitable... sms... yeh... im not that kind of calling too much person.. sms... quite ok ... well, this plan goes like this...
you just use 50sen perday... yes 50sen for each day for sms. after reaching the limit 50sen. the other msg after dat is for free to all digi. dont understand ka ?

let say... u just used 50sen for one day to sms all digi number all day long.. digi number only. don care if it ur fnf or not. to other number is only 10sen. quite ok... for ordinary one somtimes it cost 20sen or 15sen.

yeah.. now i used this plan.. quite satisfied for now.... my maxis plan switch to digi... kinda cool ...
who have digi number start with 012 ? I DO !!! hahahah.. others is start with 016 or 014...

eventho that plan is not as cool as mtv powerpack, rm5 permonth n sms for free the whole month.. but hell yeah... dats fine for me now. i oso have mtv. ^_^

roger n out ^_^

p/s if anyone read this.. u wanna switch it.. tell me. i'll help u out... my boss asked me to find more people.... hahahahahaha .. digi digi... y u always want it all

i will follow you

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