16 years ago


hehe... mesti semua dah tauk pasal title ya nak ? erm.. actually tok lah nak d post lamak tok, tp mala sekda masa..(kononnya).. hehe... bok ...
16 years ago


nehh.. dah dtg kerajinan and sik tauk pa benda len nak di plah tok .. ndak alah jak berupdate oww.... atang2 lejuk dah tokrang tok kali.. he...
16 years ago

dapow dan buku

a pagi tok tek ku bangun awal, awal lah juak, sik juak awal ne, bleh lah tahan awal nya, tp lom cukup awal dari ari2 byasa, tp kira awal lah...
16 years ago


as you all know, there is a death disease spreading nowadays, from far to near. from only what we can see on television to here.. not far fr...
16 years ago


salam salam... short update jak hoo.. gk maseh byk keja tok .. erm.. words to describe me, myself and i is super duper extremely tired... ~...
16 years ago

Jom JoM jOM~

people.. i will be busy today and tomorrow. as maybe all the kuching people know already, that we have Jom Heboh in town and Regatta coming...
16 years ago


sik ssh nak soh sidak tok berenti dari perang koh.. mbak g makan kacang ais rah swee kang ya jak cukuplah.. suma diam.. suma enjoying... m...
16 years ago


last sunday, when i have no where to go and nothing to do... i went to *somewhere*somewhere* to release my mind but then i stumble upon thes...
16 years ago

Tsunami Prediction

actually just now, i wanna post something else. but then, i come across this article that really caught my eyes. Read for your self : [ Tsun...
16 years ago

apa nak polah tok ow ?

awal ku bgn ritok tek, kira tek bila dah dapat weekend off, nak amik masa k ngando ikit... ikit jak oww.. sik banyak. p sekpat wak .. baby a...
16 years ago

weekend OFF!

Today, after facing such a long months and weekend, finally I will get my weekend off!! Usually, every weekend, I will go to serpan… ngeee.....
16 years ago


lets all give a warm welcome to the new comer in my family... MEET~~~ eeerr.... dun have a name yet.. heehe .. well, this is my sis in law b...
16 years ago

newborn baby~

ngeee..... newborn baby yesterday 7/7/09 ... anak buah ku yang ke .....(jap ow.. ngitong lowk)....10!! hehehe... tp aku ada 9 jaklah sbnrnya...
16 years ago

:D ngeeee... (happy face)

xjadi amik lesen moto sabtu depan!!! coz i ody take it yesterday on 5/7/09!!! oh yes.. after long drive from serpan to kuching (not too long...
16 years ago

xtvt hujung minggu ini

on 4/7/09, i woke up at 5.30am. bath, drink, dress up, take car keys and rush to the Pusat Latihan Memandu. ngeee... i will take my motocycl...
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