
16 years ago
sik ssh nak soh sidak tok berenti dari perang koh.. mbak g makan kacang ais rah swee kang ya jak cukuplah.. suma diam.. suma enjoying... makan jagung susu for the kids + rojak tauhu.. yummy...

tanggalah muka COMANDER yang bahagia setelah diberik makan tok .. heheheh


compliment to my xoxo cause keeping me company that day :D seriously.. i'll be to exhausted and tired handling 6 children if your not helping me. since u are that nice and that good to handle children, i dont mind being u along again.......... next time :D :D :D :D :D


  1. Aihhh... Kmk mok juak makan d swee kang sia... haha...

  2. hahaha.. boleh2.. juh2.. kita makan2 d sia.. tp before ya g perang lok.. :D

  3. Aih... gi swee kang x ajak kmk ;-(

  4. aieh ms tikot.. juhlah.. lak ada masa ow.. kita semua g.. hehe


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