last sunday, when i have no where to go and nothing to do... i went to *somewhere*somewhere* to release my mind but then i stumble upon these peoples... kids... going to wars. they just seems don't care what other people were saying around them .... as u can see, i've capture few pictures so u guys can imagine what did i see....

they were preparing themselves with the guns, the comander is wearing short sleeves soft pink shirt. picture right above...

then they start to shoot at each other with no mercy. after some time has past, they think that they have to run away to save their own life... but! they have to get out of there FAST! as i was watching from side, i was wondering what kind of war cars that they were using.

because there is not enough time for them to save themselves. the soldier volunteerly to stay at the warzone to SAVE their comander. as u can see from the picture above, the start to shoot at each other... one soldier is down from the right side, and the boss from the left side is watching silently his female soldier protecting their basecamp. and the comander with the side kick were running away in their car that we still trying to figure out what type of vehicle it is...
i cant stand just standing at the corner and do nothing!!.... what happen to our world? war here and there?!! then i decide to interfere and ask them to sit together and...... discuss what they can do.....

as u can see, the soldiers were discussing and they seems to agree to accept that they should end the war for the sake of the new generations.... but the comander seems to have doubt....
can the war end ?? how?? what happen to me??
Wasehhhh... War untuk nemiak ehhss.. Best ada jak.. Kmk dolok makei kayu jak jadi senapang.. Paling dekat benda nak ngagak jadi senapang kmk pilih batang penyapu jak.. haha.. Nway, sidaknya nang kiutlah.. haha...