Jom JoM jOM~

16 years ago
people.. i will be busy today and tomorrow. as maybe all the kuching people know already, that we have Jom Heboh in town and Regatta coming soon. not that i involve in any, also not that i just wondering here and there... hehe make money time!
byasalah, time2 org rami camtok, tukar lah tempat bejual nak ow.. so people, saturday and sunday i will be at stadium... while when regatta start later, i'll be at waterfront. waterfront im not sure yet where is the place but stadium is around archery area there.. so whoever come across me dont hesitate to approach me and say HI k ? ehehhe... tmpt2 menjual panggang2... yummy... sedap bha... try lok bok tauk ...ehehehe

jap lagi i off to the stadium, bukan dari pagi haritok coz this morning i have to go to my aunt house.. my cousin wedding. a MUST go event. bukan selalu kaum kerabat saudara mara kmk org bertemu rami2 especially bla masing2 dah da family dikpun and career. so ssh.. :D very happy to meet them today ...

later on i'll upload the picture of the wedding ok .... ? and all my activity this week....

so .... see ya peeps.....



  1. kmk nak pegi sia p sekda urg maok teman kmk... Tadik pun kmk ada g wedding juak.. Wedding yg d attend ktk ya d cney??

  2. kmk attend wedding kajen mek.. rah kpg masjid nun .. hehe


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