dapow dan buku

16 years ago

pagi tok tek ku bangun awal, awal lah juak, sik juak awal ne, bleh lah tahan awal nya, tp lom cukup awal dari ari2 byasa, tp kira awal lah mun bebanding ujong mgu... so, pagi2 dah mangun awal, dlm kol 4, sekpat tidow gik dah, tettt... online sekda org online time tok, semua member ku tidow... pergh.. g jaklah dapo.. bukak peti ais.. nangga brg2.. jeng jeng jeng... atang rajin tek.. alulah ketak ketek plang plong chap cop cehp kebabom di dapowww...

apa kejadian ??


ayam masak meraaahh~~

bermasak duhal nya d dapo tek, hehhe.. kedong anak buah ku rami d umah tok, n my sis in law bok kak labour, apa salah sekali skala ku masak k anak nya nak... ngeheheheheh...

dah boring2 tek . duduk jak lah ... den teringat da buku cita.. ermmm, i am the kind of person who enjoy to read very much, very very much, since dari kecik jak. cuma byasalah, dah tua2 camtok (cis.. asa tua mena), masa byk sekda to spend and enjoy one evening to read gilak, yalah, dah keja2 balit malam, kepak2 gik, kdg2 bok baca 4,5 pages dah tetidow. mun dolok one book ya, in just 2,3 hours bleh abis. one day top is the slowest. ehehhe.. tp i did find one book that really attract my eyes. actually ada 2 buku, tp i like this one more...

sebab mostly mmg got something to do with my life... :)

this one.. not bad, tp kinda slow.....

tp sikpalah.. as long as i get to read. and last night, my mom also give me one new book, tp buku novel melayu lah ow... Kasih Dania if im not mistaken title nya.. blm baca gk. maybe today if i got the chance...

if sekpat baca buku, baca blog org pun jadilah owww???


  1. Hello there,

    Thanks for the link. I jarang post pasal Animax sebab I am more to Gundam dan Transformers. So i ada buka blog khas utk robot at http://robotzone.blogspot.com.

    Feel free to visit.

  2. wow...leh tahan chef tok...tapau ngan kmk juak...

    ermmm...kmk suka baca buku2 sejarah and yg berkaitan dengan kosmik..

  3. willie :

    i did linking to both ur blog actually :D

    kelebarmalam :

    heheh.. ngetest jak d awal pagi, mok ka ? dtg umah lak tapau. hehe

    buku2 sejarah pun bez, tp mek jrg bc buku sejarah. tkt antok. tp mun tv series hal sejarah boleh..
    or motivational books. ya ok juak ..


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